Mca 1.8.9 how to make a zombie villager
Mca 1.8.9 how to make a zombie villager

mca 1.8.9 how to make a zombie villager

Trading for an enchanted item in this manner repairs the item if it is damaged, allowing items to have infinite durability at the cost of emeralds. Every enchantment costs between 2 – 4 emeralds, and requests the item to be enchanted in the first slot. ↑ Priests will offer to enchant items for you.The possible values are 5 – 19 emeralds for Lvl I, 8 – 32 for Lvl II, 11 – 45 for Lvl III, 14 – 58 for Lvl IV and 17 – 71 for Lvl V. The price in emeralds depends on enchantment level only. ↑ The enchantment is chosen randomly, with equal chance of any enchantment type occurring and equal chance to get any level of it, so higher-leveled enchantments are as likely to get as low-leveled enchantments.Note that this offer is more likely when all other offers have a low probability. If no potential offers are generated, then the game will default to an offer of gold ingots. ↑ a b c d e f Gold ingot offers do not have a probability value in the code, except for one of the two blacksmith offers.Only after many trades will buying gold be offered, so other offers will have taken the first spots on the villager's list of trade offers. For example, buying gold is frequently a villager's final trade offer, because it is rare for a villager to offer to buy gold. Offers with higher probabilities of being given are more likely to show up in the beginning of a villager's list of available trades, while rarer trades will be closer to last. ↑ This is the chance that the given trade offer will be the last one given by a villager when its options are completely exhausted.These values were calculated by checking the probabilities of all possible lists of potential offers. ↑ The actual probability of an offer depends on the probability values of all offers for a villager.Then one offer is selected from this list at random to be the actual new offer generated. This is not exactly the probability of getting the offer: the game first compiles a list of potential offers, and the probability is used to determine whether the offer is included in this list. The larger the number is, the more likely the offer is.

mca 1.8.9 how to make a zombie villager

↑ Most offers have a probability value defined in the code.The following table lists the minimum and maximum offers that a villager would make before 1.8 when buying and selling items. This only happened with books containing tier 5 enchantments. It was possible, when trading for an Enchanted Book with a librarian, that the cost in emeralds would exceed 64.This is why gold is offered so rarely as a trade, and also why it is the green villager's only item. Gold Ingots were used as a fallback offer any time a villager randomly selects none of its offers, it would choose to buy gold ingots instead.For example, they would accept Charcoal for Coal when buying. Villagers would not distinguish items with same ID but different damage values.Offers could be unlocked only by trading the final trade.The locked trade icon appears without reopening the GUI and did not have a description.Trading would unlock up to one offer randomly.Each robe had only one class of villager.

Mca 1.8.9 how to make a zombie villager